Facebook for Business Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Facebook users spend an average of 50 minutes per day on the platform. But the average organic reach of a Facebook business page is only 6.4% of the people who have liked your page, and the engagement rate is 3.91%.
How can you reach your audience?
74% of Facebook users visit Facebook daily. They consume news, business and lifestyle stories online. Google and other search engines are on top for consuming these stories, but Facebook is a very close second, and in some age groups even first.

Facebook Pages Basics
Let’s delve a bit into a few basics that will help your Facebook business page stand out, and I’m not going to delve into these because they’re so basic, you just want to make sure you’ve considered them and it can always be a great time to revisit some of these.
Page Name – The first word is the most significant
Customize your URL – you want it to reflect the consistent name that you have across all of your branding, and you do this in page settings
Your cover photo and profile image – use your LOGO as your profile image unless you are a sole proprietor then use your headshot. The cover photo should reflect your brand, remember a picture is worth a thousand words.
About Us section – make the 1st sentence outline the benefits your business offers and touch upon the ever-important WIIFM
Add milestones – especially if you’ve been in business for a longer time than you’ve had your page, or won prestigious awards. This can help highlight some of your longevity or strengths.
You should have those basics in place, but do a quick review and make sure that they are current.
Types of Facebook Posts
We discussed consistency when using Facebook for marketing your business, and you will want to keep all of those pointers, such as the 80/20 rule, in mind.
There are several different types of posts you can use on Facebook, and it’s best for a brand to vary among those. It has to do with preferred learning styles, which is subconscious, but different people will resonate with different messages.
Ask for engagement – on most posts you share on your Facebook business page, you want to make sure that you are asking for engagement. For example, when I share this article on my Facebook business page, it will be an excerpt with the ask to “read more”. You may only ask for thoughts or comments. You may ask to like your page, subscribe, view a video, visit your website. There are a lot of different things you can ask for that will still keep you within our 80/20 rule we discussed last week.
Image posts – a pictures is worth 1000 words, and if you find the right picture, it can relay everything that you need it to.
Video – especially Facebook live. These save automatically to your page, you can download them to use elsewhere , and they usually have better engagement that other types of content, including videos shared from YouTube or elsewhere. Facebook Live is part of my 1 : 5 : 10 content curation strategy course.
- 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound, so consider adding subtitles or text
- Viewers spend 3x as long watching a live video vs prerecorded
- Older demographics watch videos longer than age 18-24
Text posts – you want to keep these short and specific
- Link titles with more than 100 characters are cut off on Facebook Business Pages.
- 40-character Facebook posts receive 86% more engagement over others.
- 80-character Facebook posts receive 66% more engagement over others.
- Facebook posts asking questions between 100 to 119 characters drive more engagement.
Hashtags – the biggest problem we see is people using random hashtags that don’t remotely apply to their business, their product or service, or even their target audience. They use random hashtags more appropriate to their personal profile. A random hashtag now and then isn’t a bad thing at all, but when you’re using Facebook for marketing, you need to be much more strategic.
If you have a younger demographic, you can use hashtags as part of the sentence. If you have an older demographic, drop them all at the end. Plus, there’s a magic number of hashtags and using too many can be worse than using none at all. I go over all of this type of data plus outline how to research hashtags that you can use in your social media marketing, you can find it on my website under the training tab.
The most important advice is to KNOW your target market. Do a quick check of your page insights – who do you want to reach vs who are you actually reaching?
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