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Why Our Brains Love Video Marketing Content

video marketing

Video marketing content is king, and there’s a good reason: we just love watching videos. That’s what makes video content such a killer when it comes to education, training, or marketing. But do you know why we’re all such suckers for good video content?

The truth is that our brains just can’t get enough of it.

She Blinded Me With Science

Neurologists have discovered that human beings are practically hard-wired to take in information visually. In fact, when it comes to processing speed, the brain can take in information nearly 60,000 more quickly than it can when you’re just reading something.

The science goes deeper than that, though. The brain’s ability to remember viewed messages is something like 95%, while memory retention of material simply read is closer to just 10%. This is because we’ve evolved to take in most of our information and sensory data through our eyes. In fact, around 90% of the information processed by the brain is from a visual source.  Is it no wonder why video content has become such a heavy hitter when it comes to social media?

The Benefits of Visual Media

The written word is valuable, of course, but video does things that a written message simply can’t. Conveying verbal tone, body language, and other nuances are close to impossible without video, and these components of any message are crucial when it comes to engagement.

Even if there’s just limited video or visual content, this can make a written message have so much more impact. Adding video footage or pictures to a written piece of content keeps the viewer’s attention. Why do you think textbooks have images and illustrations?

Emotional and Personal Engagement

When you’ve got great video content, you’ve got a powerful tool at your disposal. At the same time, though, there’s something to be said about the limitations of video — especially because even the most alluring and professional video production can’t necessarily salvage your storytelling if the message you’re trying to convey is lackluster.

The reason for this is rather simple: we, as people, tend to engage on a personal and emotional level with videos. If your video is conveying a deep, emotional message, it’s going to be that much more memorable — and that’s why using video storytelling as a tool is so effective, especially when you marry good video content to a strong, compelling story.

Videos Can Influence Buying Patterns and Behavior

Advertising and marketing is nothing new. What with radio commercials, online banner ads, and direct mail, we’re all inundated with marketing materials every day — but research has shown that these traditional marketing methods are losing ground to video marketing content on a wide scale. In fact, video ads are 27 times more alluring than a simple banner ad, according to research from MediaMind.

In other words, it’s video that’s going to be driving marketing content going forward. This can be attributed to the feelings of human connection a video can engender. Simply reading marketing text versus being engaged with a video is going to provide the semblance of interpersonal communication on a much wider scale, and all from the comfort of their desktop or mobile device.

The Sky’s the Limit

Whatever the future holds for video, it’s clear that as far as content tools go, video marketing is clearly the most effective one we have today. Products and services can be promoted and showcased easily through video, offering better and farther-reaching ways to influence consumer habits. Adopting an approach that incorporates creating videos online and having them shared will set you up for success in the future.

Interested in learning more how your business can optimize video marketing for results?  Contact us for a free video marketing strategy session!

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