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Google Updated Their SEO Algorithm – Again

SEO Audit - Search Engine Optimization

If you keep up with the latest news in SEO (like we must do!), you may have seen that Google once again updated their SEO algorithm.  Staying on top of trends is important.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Even better is when we are in FRONT of the trends … and having researched this latest update, I’m proud to say that we are!


This update flows along perfectly with the different stages that our search engine optimization flows through for our clients:

1st stage – audit – both the free overview, plus the highly detailed version that we do for planning once SEO clients come on board

2nd stage – making sure the required basics are in place; a lot of these are outlined in the free audit and are critical for making sure that your website can be crawled properly

3rd stage – enacting basic CTAs on your site – more traffic doesn’t work if people think they need to keep searching because you haven’t told them to do anything else

4th stage – on-page SEO: meta titles and tags and descriptions, keyword optimization, image keywords, etc.

Google’s recent update directly relates to our 5th stage – part of which a lot of other providers miss (mainly because they may understand SEO but don’t always understand overall marketing best practices, which is what this section really falls under).  This includes off-site optimization of listings, backling building,  – and that portion most SEO companies can handle, but we expand this stage to include navigating buyer journey, fine tuning CTAs and keywords to directly correlate to each part of the journey.

You can review the latest LIVE video I did that walks you through this update:


When you’re ready to discuss your SEO project further, let’s touch base!



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