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How to Supercharge Your Video Marketing

video marketing

Video marketing: everybody does it. Whether you’re a new startup looking to build buzz or an established organization attempting to reinforce your current industry reputation, there’s no better tool than video content for getting your message out there.

Yet even though video content is being used everywhere as a marketing tool, pushing all the right buttons with your own video marketing can be difficult. Creating content that resonates with viewers and then making sure this content is implemented and optimized correctly can be a headache, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some great tips on supercharging your video marketing the easy way!

Video Production Done on a Shoestring

video marketingBack in the day, video production used to be a major hassle. It used to be a time-consuming and expensive process, involving expensive cameras and lighting equipment. However, the truth is that you can create seriously good-looking videos quickly and easily. What’s the big secret? It’s right in the palm of your hand: your smartphone.

The majority of mobile phones today have some truly impressive video cameras built into them. Often they’re capable of shooting in full HD, making it easy to capture video content with a steady hand or an inexpensive tripod. As long as you’ve got natural lighting, almost everything you record will look great. Add a simple green screen behind you and you can make any video look fantastic!

Can’t think of enough content to be able to create enough videos for your marketing purposes?  Think again!  Generating video marketing content topics – even as many as one a week for up to a year! – can be a simple process when you have an easy system.

Editing Video Is Easier than Ever

Wondering how you’re going to afford to get your raw content edited into a coherent video ready for viewing? Don’t turn to an expensive production studio — thanks to the plethora of digital video editing tools at the disposal of everyone, even amateurs or those with little to no experience can edit digital video together and prepare a final product.

The number of apps available today that provide video editing help or even video animation services is in the dozens. These apps are major time-savers, doing most of the work for you at a fraction of the price of a professional studio, and the end results look great. Not only are they time-savers, they’re budget friendly as well, making them a great all-around approach.

Don’t feel like you’re technical enough, or have the right design style, to edit your own videos?  Outsourcing this service to us is much more affordable than you might imagine.  We can assist you with short video intro and outro clips that allow you to drop the rest of your recorded video in the middle, or we can edit your entire video for you.  Contact us for more information about editing for video marketing.

Optimizing Is Easier Than You Think

Having a great-looking, well-edited video is fantastic, but not if nobody sees it. You’ll need to focus on optimizing your videos for the platforms you intend to post them on, as this will make it more likely for the type of audience you like to find your videos.

Each platform is different. YouTube, for example, is great for longer videos, provided they can keep the user’s attention while adding value through education. Meanwhile, Facebook is also a very effective video platform, but the focus for Facebook users is often entertainment; Facebook videos also tend to be much shorter than those on YouTube, as attention spans tend to be shorter.

Work Arounds for the Camera Shy

Being in front of the camera isn’t for everyone. While some people will just grin and bear it until they get accustomed to being on camera, the truly camera shy will likely never become truly comfortable. Yet this doesn’t mean you still can’t be involved in creating quality video marketing content.

Videomaking doesn’t always mean being directly seen by the camera. You can film product reviews and simply provide a voiceover, you can screen share video content from your desktop or mobile phone — the options are innumerable. You can also act as the camera operator while someone else appears as the face of your organization if you feel more comfortable with that!

Ready to learn more information on how to make video a part of your marketing strategy?  Contact us for a free video marketing strategy consultation.


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