New Name. New Look. Event Better Results.

I wanted to give a shout out to Vicky Wu – the Marketing Guru …

I am thrilled to have connected with and worked with Vicky to create the website for my solo law practice. I had a clear vision of what I wanted and a target deadline, but I knew I was not equipped to bring it to life myself. So, I turned to the Guru. Thanks to Vicky, it came to fruition. It is exactly what I wanted. In less than a handful of short calls, Vicky crafted my website. It is an understatement to say that she did it expertly and swiftly. She was responsive, available, and collaborative. She listened and executed and always had a very attentive, kind and professional demeanor. I look forward to maintaining a relationship with her and I hands down recommend her.

Bonnie Chavez,

Your service, your knowledge, and your follow-up are simply amazing. And your pricing structure is brilliant. You offer true VALUE in every aspect. Consider this a ringing endorsement of Unscrewed Marketing (formerly Unscrewed Marketing (formerly Vicky Wu Marketing)) Guru services. Can’t wait to unveil what we’ve been working on! Need any type of marketing, big or small? She only charges for what you need, not the fluff you’ll never use.

Joe Estes, Five Minute Travel

I had the great pleasure of working with Vicky on the Dallas Cowboys/Century 21 Judge Fite Company Corporate Partnership. Vicky had a BIG idea for their company to become the Official Real Estate Company of the Dallas Cowboys. From start to finish, Vicky helped make every vision a reality. From managing the rollout of the new partnership, planning special events, branding, marketing, social and digital media, print ads, and so much more, Vicky was ON IT. Managing a sponsorship with a professional sports team is not an easy gig, but she sure made it look that way! She was always one of my favorite clients because of her attention to detail, quick responses, willingness to think outside the box and ability to make things happen! Thankfully Vicky and I have continued to work together on other projects as we have pursued other dreams and endeavors, Vicky is a ROCK STAR in so many ways. A wide skillset, wealth of knowledge and asset to anyone who needs her marketing brain!

Kerrie Bryant, HOPE Kids

Vicky can help position anyone – a company or an individual – to make the most of social media in building a brand. I am thrilled when I have the opportunity to work with her, she gets the work done and it is always of the highest quality and best value.

Indi Butler

Love you my angel. -Vicky

Vicky is a visionary when it comes to marketing. She also knows how to see a big goal and bring it to fruition. She is attentive to the details and her work ethic is outstanding. She understands marketing, marketing messaging and how to communicate for the company.

Lisa Speaks, Expressions Chiropractic

I have known Vicky personally for over 20 years, and have always known her to be a responsible and easy going individual. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills. She is extremely organized, reliable and computer literate. Vicky can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done. She is a talented and passionate young woman, and I wish her all the best with her move to DFW area.

Chele Wells, Recruitment Specialist

Vicky is one of the best development professionals with whom I have worked! She understands all of the technical aspects of fundraising including legal and tax questions that can be tricky as well as the most important aspect of fundraising – relationship building! Any non-profit organization would be fortunate and benefit tremendously from Vicky’s expertise.

Katie Chapman, CFRE

If you can dream it, Vicky can make it happen. She does an amazing job on computer graphic design, fundraising and advertising. I’ve known Vicky for over 25 years and seen her succeed and excell at every place of employment she has ever had. We were also in Business and Professional Women together and she truly deserved every award and recognition she received from that organization.

Sue Barthel, CIGNA

I have known Vicky for many years. We worked together at our local CASA chapter in 1997. I was an advocate volunteer and she was an advocate supervisor.

In 2010 had the pleasure of interviewing for a position with a non profit agency where she was the Vice President of Development. I got the job and could not have been more thrilled to work under her direction and gain her vase knowledge and experience in the business.

Vicky’s scope of the bigger picture is always the main objective of everything she does. She understands profitability, grant writing, collaboration, funding, and most importantly cultivation of donorship’s.

Vicky was not a boss, she was a mentor. She demonstrate’s superior skills and admirable work ethic. She is punctual, exceeds expectations, and voluntarily works overtime to meet all deadline’s.

Since then, she also updated the website for the company where I now work, and handled all of the pieces of the project with ease, professionalism, and creativity.

If you’d like to hear more about Vicky, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 815-990-5169.

Gloria Schmieder, Midco Electric Supply

I was hired at CASA to replace Vicky when became the Executive Director of Junior Achievement. Her former CASA co-workers had only positive things to say about her. In the caseload I took over from her, the work was up-to-date, meticulous and of high quality. We have worked together during her current position at North Texas Youth Connections and CASA is always able to rely on Vicky for any information needed. She’s a great person and, from viewing her work, a great asset to her organization.

Jana Garner, Bonham ISD

I can’t wait to implement some of these strategies! Simple and easy to execute on. I’m starting tomorrow! Great information.

Beth Steinke, REALTOR

I just completed your training on the 8 steps to become a Youtube Guru. Thе tірѕ саmе at a tіmе whеn I was trying to optimize mу vіdеоѕ fоr promoting nеw рrоduсtѕ іn my buѕіnеѕѕ. Video mаrkеtіng is rеаllу bіg rіght now аnd lеаrnіng thіѕ frоm уоur website hаѕ bееn роwеrful.

Jennifer F.

Before Vicky I had never heard of a marketing boot camp. I was totally intrigued but had no idea what to expect or if it was worth the price tag. Being a brand new Amazon seller, I needed all of the social media and digital marketing help I could get. I decided to forego the expensive ‘selling machine’ courses and work with Vicky. After the initial consultation, I was fortunate enough to be one of her five 2015 students. Vicky and her team were patient, knowing teachers and the on-going group sessions kept me motivated and on track. Without the customized marketing plans in place and executed, I would not be selling five figures a month and have over 50,000 social media followers engaging with my brand. My fellow classmates and I formed a weekly MeetUp to keep in touch and bounce ideas off one another regularly. This entire process has been a life saver and I am truly thankful.

Sarah Brown, GrammaSarah

I juѕt wаntеd to thаnk Vicky аnd the tеаm and lеt уоu know hоw muсh I dо аррrесіаtе all оf the help all of you gаvе me wіth my website. Yоur ѕеrvісе and ѕuрроrt іѕ rеаllу amazing the price іѕ more thаn fаіr rеаllу. I hаvе аnd will continue tо rесоmmеnd your company tо оthеrѕ.
Danny T.

The webinar training I attended was very helpful in understanding how to get my name to come up more in searches on youtube. I plan to utilize the information I learned into my marketing plan!

Tiffany Todd

I lооk fоrwаrd tо my Mondays when I gеt tо ѕее Vісkу. I fееl lіkе a gооd frіеnd іѕ tеllіng mе about a great nеw соmраnу ѕhе’ѕ dіѕсоvеrіng аnd I’m аlwауѕ excited tо ѕее what she’ll brіng іn each wееk! Onlу thіng іѕ, іt’ѕ mу соmраnу. Sееіng hеr on a weekly basis mаkеѕ me fееl mоrе in tоuсh. I еnjоу wоrkіng with Vicky and her team аnd look fоrwаrd tо discovering new strategies іn thе futurе!

Amanda P.

Vicky, I had to write in so everyone could know just how amazing you are! Your Marketing Boot Camp is a life changer. I took it to give myself an upgrade in marketing and keep a competitive edge over my coworkers, however, the course is so good I couldn’t stop bragging about it!! Now everyone knows and they are signing up as well! Thank you so much for your dedication to training people like me and for sharing all of your knowledge.

T. Wood

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