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How to Make My Vendor Booth More Appealing

One of the marketing questions I’ve received so far is how to make the booth more appealing.

One thing you want to do is consider the three-second rule. What this says is that most people have three seconds to understand what they’re looking at, and if you can’t capture them in those three seconds they will keep going past.

(This stat came from things like billboards and the massive signs in places like Times Square)

  • Some booths lend themselves to this easily. Think a blouse hanging right at the front of a booth. You know immediately what they sell and whether it’s your taste.
  • Other booths may have a harder time automatically capturing this three seconds.

Here’s a quick tip you can do: snap a photo of your booth (either from the angle someone walking would first see it, or straight head on).

Take three seconds to look at it and then put it out of sight. What did you take in? Would you understand what you were selling?

Then have someone who hasn’t seen your booth do the same three seconds. What did they take in from the quick glance? (We can all help you if needed, share an image in comments.)

Something you may need to do is look at your main signage.

  • Is it big letters, plain font, on high contrast background?
  • Does the name or tagline on the sign let someone know exactly what you sell?
  • If not and you don’t want to or can’t change that, how else could you relay that information in a three-second glance?

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