Our communities are what make small businesses successful.
Having worked for nonprofit organizations for over a decade, I have a real understanding of the need for everyone to be assisting our communities in as many ways as possible. Supporting nonprofits, and supporting other small businesses in our communities, is one of our priorities.
While we cannot always fund the businesses and nonprofits that we want while our own startup is still in growth mode, we know that we have an abundance of expertise that could benefit other small businesses and nonprofits.
If your business is interested in obtaining marketing assistance at no cost, please complete one of these forms:
- If you are a nonprofit seeking a donation of marketing services/expertise, please click here.
- If you are a small business seeking pro bono marketing assistance, or for trade, click here.
Note, while we are not able to assist everyone who applies, we do notify everyone whether or not they have been accepted to the program.
Here are some of the nonprofits we currently support or have supported in the past:
https://www.easterseals.com/northtexas/ https://chronicillnesshotline.org