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Podcast: Entrepreneur Interview: Shauna Leigh Van Mourik with Shauna Leigh Artistry

Shauna Leigh Van Mourik with Shauna Leigh Artistry – refining your message to create copy that converts.

Shauna will be sharing some tips that have helped her in business and can help you refine your message.

Instagram: @shaunaleigh.artistry

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Show Notes:

00:00 Welcome Shauna Leigh Van Mourik with Shauna Leigh Artistry
00:12 Helping businesses refine their message to create copy that converts
00:20 Why good copy is important
00:40 Static copy like web pages and why you need to revisit those
01:15 Shauna was told writing isn’t lucrative, so what she did instead
02:15 How business has changed and grown, and what she didn’t know at first
02:49 What made the big impacts on her business
03:30 How her role as CEO is different
03:45 And why that mindset shift is so important
04:07 The distinct shift
04:20 Biggest marketing issues when starting out – so many entrepreneurs have this same issue
05:02 One of the realities that some B2B entrepreneurs forget
06:15 How Covid, and normal business growth, have changed her business
06:45 One of the silver linings of 2020 for our business
08:10 Why even PPC advertising is doing better in 2020
09:20 What Shauna wishes someone had told her before she became an entrepreneur
10:25 My own big problem – that’s marketing related – even though I do marketing for a living!
12:20 What I’ve learned about prospects saying no
13:00 Shauna’s tip – it starts personal and gets bigger
13:20 You never want to listen to the inlaws … or do you?
15:00 If you don’t nail it the first time, do this
15:25 One of my favorite quotes that helps me move forward
16:00 What happens if you keep waiting for everything to be perfect before starting
16:50 Shauna’s favorite quote – and exactly the philosophy we use for marketing
17:50 Shauna’s question about marketing – what is marketing strategy? Is it just a “buzz word”?
18:25 Start by doing anything!
19:00 Once you have your marketing going, what you need to do next
19:20 What happens if you Google “what marketing strategy should I use in my business?”
20:15 One of the biggest problems I see a lot of entrepreneurs experience
21:00 Where you should start
21:15 What you should look at next
21:27 Example – if this happens to you, say no
22:05 The third step
22:30 How much money they make a year …
23:15 Why it’s actually sometimes better to wait on your marketing strategy
23:30 An example of why it’s important to wait
25:15 How you can connect with Shauna Leigh

#entrepreneur #marketing #copythatconverts #marketingmessage #marketingstrategy

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